Workplace Ministries



About Us

John W. Boland has a BA and MA in political science and speech with a minor in history. He is certified in College Business Management, Building Inspection, and a master level teacher. He is listed in Who’s Who among High School Teachers, Among Texas Business Professionals, in America, and in the World. He is a past president of Rotary and a Paul Harris Fellow. He is currently involved with the Lausanne Movement, Global Workplace Network and the National Faith and Work Association. He has been involved with the 3rd Congress on World Evangelism (2010); Young Leaders Conference (2016); Global Workplace Forum (2019); and L4NY (2022). He is experienced in such workplace environments as school & college administration; public, college, and university classrooms; city manager; and various church ministries. He was the recipient of the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award (2018).

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John W Boland